Monday, June 11, 2012

Genome Blog #8 Personality

Ridley explains that in chromosome number 11, the gene D4DR is a blueprint for a dopamine receptor, and the gene is switched on in only in certain parts of the brain. Dopamine is a emotional chemical, which lacking of this chemical will make an individual lethargic or immobile. Dean Hamer's result  of studying D4DR relates with "novelty-seeking" behavior.  36 percent is heritable, and the rest is environmental. Meaning that there are over 500 heritable genes that control behavior. Therapists found out that depathologizing people's personalities and telling them that their personality is innate instead of some who learned flaw helped them to improve their self-esteem. Personality and behavior can also be influenced by diet, such as cholesterol intake. Antisocial and depressed people resulted in lower cholesterol levels.

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