Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Post Biology AP Exam Comments

I was totally not ready for the AP exam on May the 14th. I had too much school work and had to fill out worksheets for the notebook. My view of studying was completing my online work and working on my lab journal. I spent more time on working on my class works and/or homework for biology then studying from my notes and book. I decided to sign up for AP Biology in the beginning of the year because I wanted to be a marine biologist, but I had a problem debating over my career as a marine biologist and a U.S. History teacher. I took AP U.S. History on my junior year and I had enjoyed the subject more then I had expected. I took AP bio and I learned that I am not very good dealing with molecules, ions, chains of sugar, and phases. I had trouble remembering the phases of the Calvin Cycle, reading molecule chains, and Photosynthesis. I feel like that the online labs are not as good for learning both visually and by reading the steps. I prefer doings labs that are in front of me because it is much easier to handle and if I get stuck I could get help right away. What I do seem to have learned a lot from are the study packets that has bold words and diagrams that have labels. I really liked you going over the power points and doing notes along the way. Subjects I did enjoy learning about is evolution and the diversity of plants. Those chapters are the best for me to understand because there were many pictures and diagrams.

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