" Fate "
The gene is more positive then negative to us. But syndromes such as the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is caused by repeating genes, such as ACG, ACG, ACG. It would be fine if the gene is repeated up to 35 times, but if more, you will die young. There are more then a billion words in your genes, but yet one mistake of repeating word may change if we are normal of have down syndrome. Huntingtin's disease first to be identified was in 1872. The doctor noticed that the syndromes are being passed down from generations. Milton Wexler's daughter was on the edge of having the mutation. Wexler began her research by collecting blood from 500 patients, she then sent them to Jim Gusella's lab in Boston. He tested the genetic markers in search of the Huntingtin syndrome. He finally found out the area of the problem, located on the tip of the short arm of chromosome 4. The genes are the formula for creating syndromes and thus giving it;s name.
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