Monday, November 14, 2011

Objective: Create a chart comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences between photosynthesis and cell respiration.

Similarities between Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
  • electron transport chain is used for transferring electrons and other stuff between reactions
  • ATP is used in both systems
  • chemiosmosis allows ATP synthesis to make more ATP molecules
Differences  between Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
  • Photosynthesis uses Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen to create Glucose and Oxygen
  • Cellular Respiration uses Oxygen and Glycogen to create Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen
  • NADPH is needed in photosynthesis
  • Formula for photosynthesis = C6O2------>C6H12O6+6O2
  • Formula for Cellular Respiration = 6O2 +C6H12O6 ------> 6CO2 +6H2O

Objective: Explain the difference between C3,C4, and CAM plants in terms of their photosynthesis.

C3 Plants:
  • normal plants the doesn't have to face harsh environment
  • only opens their stomata during the day time
  • regulates the Light reaction and Calvin Cycle normally
C4 Plants:
  •  has 2 different cells that C3 plants and CAM doesn't have: Mesophyll Cells and bundle sheath  cells
  • the plant uses C4 carbon fixation in which carbon is attached to the phophoenolpyruvic  in the Mesophyll Cell ceating a four carbon compound
  • then in the bundle sheath the four carbons is then decomposed into carbon and pyruvate and to be used for the C3 pathway
  • the carbon in the C3 pathway is turned into glucose and the pyruvate is sent back into the Mesophyll cell
  • afterward the pyruvate is turned back into a phophoenolpyruvate  with the help of the ATP.
CAM Plants:
  • They only have one cell
  • their stomata is only open during the night, closed during the day (opposite of the C3 plants)
  • Carbon inhaled by the plant and oxygen is exhailed
  • they usually have the characteristics of small and has small or thin leaves to store water, these plants are most likely found in the destert and any other harsh biomes.